113 Funny Fake Name Puns for Pranks

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In the world of comedy, nothing quite brings out a hearty laugh like a good pun, and if that pun is intricately woven into a person’s name, the humor is instantly amplified.

Names can be crafted to sound like phrases, sometimes innocent, and at other times, a bit naughty!

Our list of punny names, guaranteed to make you chuckle, walks the fine line between the clever and the cheeky.

However, always remember to gauge your audience’s comfort level before sharing!

  1. Anita Mann (I need a man)
  2. Ben Thair (Been there)
  3. Craven Moorhead (Craving more head)
  4. Eileen Dover (I leaned over)
  5. Holden McGroin (Holding my groin)
  6. Ivana Tinkle (I want to tinkle)
  7. Justin Thyme (Just in time)
  8. Moe Lester (Molester)
  9. Oliver Clothesoff (All of our clothes off)
  10. Phil McCracken (Fill my crack in)
  11. Seymore Butts (See more butts)
  12. Ima Goodlay (I’m a good lay)
  13. Ophelia Cox (Feel ya c*cks)
  14. Ivana Humpalot (I want to hump a lot)
  15. Seymour Leggs (See more legs)
  16. Al B. Zienya (I’ll be seeing ya)
  17. Bea Sting (Bee sting)
  18. Dixon B. Tweenerlegs (D*cks in between her legs)
  19. Wilma Fingerdoo (Will my finger do)
  20. Peter B. Hangin (Peter be hanging)
  21. Alotta Fagina (A lot of vagina, Austin Powers reference)
  22. Anita Bath (I need a bath)
  23. Barry D’Alive (Buried alive)
  24. Buster Cherry (Bust her cherry)
  25. Claude Balls (Clawed balls)
  26. Fonda Cox (Fond of c*cks)
  27. Harry Balzac (Hairy ball sack)
  28. Hugh G. Rection (Huge erection)
  29. Ima Whore (I’m a whore)
  30. Jack Goff (Jack off)
  31. Maya Normousbutt (My enormous butt)
  32. Oliver Klozoff (All of her clothes off)
  33. Pat Myaz (Pat my ass)
  34. Stu Pidasso (Stupid ass)
  35. Tess Tickle (Testicle)
  36. Wanda Rount (Wander around)
  37. Yul B. Allnight (You’ll be all night)
  38. Bea O’Problem (B.O. Problem)
  39. Lou Skunt (Loose c*nt)
  40. Mike Hunt (My c*nt)
  41. Will Power (Willpower)
  42. Andy Gravity (Anti-gravity)
  43. Bo Nerr (Boner)
  44. Clay Pigeon (Clay pigeon)
  45. Doug Hole (Dug hole)
  46. Ella Gant (Elegant)
  47. Fay Mous (Famous)
  48. Grant Wishes (Grant wishes)
  49. Hugh Briss (Hubris)
  50. Izzy Busy (Is he busy)
  51. Jay Walker (Jaywalker)
  52. Ken Trol (Control)
  53. Les Moore (Less more)
  54. Mick Stupp (Mix-up)
  55. Neil Down (Kneel down)
  56. Otto Graph (Autograph)
  57. Pat Thetic (Pathetic)
  58. Rhett Tangle (Rectangular)
  59. Stan Dupp (Stand up)
  60. Ulysses Lott (You lose a lot)
  61. Barb Dwyer (Barbed wire)
  62. Crystal Ball (Crystal ball)
  63. Dinah Sore (Dinosaur)
  64. Fran Tick (Frantic)
  65. Gabe Oy (Gay boy)
  66. Hal E. Luya (Hallelujah)
  67. Ima Hogg (I’m a hog)
  68. Justin Case (Just in case)
  69. Kaye Ken Cofe (Cake and coffee)
  70. Lou Zar (Loser)
  71. Ollie Tabooger (I’ll eat a booger)
  72. Pat Hiscock (Pat his c*ck)
  73. Rita Book (Read a book)
  74. Terry Aki (Teriyaki)
  75. Al Bino (Albino)
  76. Cliff Hanger (Cliffhanger)
  77. Don Key (Donkey)
  78. Ella Vader (Elevator)
  79. Finn Gerprint (Finger print)
  80. Herb Altea (Herbal tea)
  81. Iona Mink (I own a mink)
  82. Jenna Rossity (Generosity)
  83. Ken Tucky (Kentucky)
  84. Les Ismore (Less is more)
  85. May Day (Mayday)
  86. Norma Lee (Normally)
  87. Orson Cart (Horse and cart)
  88. Phil Rupp (Fill up)
  89. Quincy Papers (Quincey papers)
  90. Rhoda Boat (Rowed a boat)
  91. Sid Down (Sit down)
  92. Tim Burr (Timber)
  93. Uri Nator (Urinator)
  94. Aaron Thetires (Air in the tires)
  95. Barb Que (Barbecue)
  96. Chris P. Bacon (Crispy bacon)
  97. Drew Peacock (Droopy c*ck)
  98. Evan Elpus (Eleven Elpus)
  99. Gil T. Azell (Guilty as Hell)
  100. Homer Sexual (Homosexual)
  101. Isla Nublar (Isle of Nublar, Jurassic Park reference)
  102. Joaquin Slowly (Walking slowly)
  103. Kit N. Caboodle (Kit and caboodle)
  104. Leigh King (Leaking)
  105. Noah Vale (No avail)
  106. Otto Maton (Automatic)
  107. Pete Zahut (Pizza Hut)
  108. Quinn Tuplets (Quintuplets)
  109. Rex Easley (Wrecks easily)
  110. Seymour Legg (See more leg)
  111. Ty Nupp (Tie an up)
  112. Upton Ogood (Up to no good)
  113. Val N. Tine (Valentine)

And there you have it – some of the funniest pun-intended names that walk the tightrope of humor and cheekiness.

Names that make you do a double-take, then break out into a smile or a chuckle once the joke lands.

Just remember, the humor lies in the clever wordplay and not in any real individuals these names might coincide with.

Here’s to the endless amusement that language provides, and the creativity of turning something as personal as a name into a source of laughter.

Happy punning!